Matrimonial script - prevent child marriage

In preparation for the upcoming Akshaya Tritiya, wedding service providers across India are stepping up to become the frontline defense against the scourge of child marriages. As the auspicious day approaches, various stakeholders, including district authorities and the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), are collaborating to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable girls.

Matrimonial script - prevent child marriage

Awareness Programs and Collaboration

District authorities, in conjunction with NCPCR, are spearheading awareness programs aimed at engaging the public and key stakeholders. These include child development project officers, welfare committees, police officers, and religious leaders responsible for officiating marriages. Additionally, service providers integral to wedding ceremonies—such as printing presses, tent providers, caterers, and decorators—are being enlisted to help identify and prevent instances of child marriage.

These awareness programs serve a dual purpose: to educate communities about the legal ramifications and adverse effects of child marriage, and to empower individuals to intervene and report any suspicious activities. By engaging various stakeholders, from local businesses to religious leaders, a network of support is created to combat this societal issue.

Source :- TOI

Data Analysis and Review

NCPCR has conducted a comprehensive review of measures taken to prevent child marriages, analyzing data shared by districts. Based on this analysis, recommendations will be issued to states to strengthen existing preventive mechanisms. Special attention is being paid to vulnerable girls, particularly school dropouts aged 15 to 18, who are at high risk of being forced into marriage.

The compilation of data on vulnerable children is a critical step in identifying and reaching out to those in need of assistance. By creating a school-wise list of dropouts and children irregular in attendance, districts can proactively intervene to prevent child marriages and provide support to at-risk individuals.

Legal Framework and Enforcement

Highlighting the provisions of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), 2006, NCPCR has reminded states of the legal obligations to prevent mass child marriages, especially on occasions like Akshaya Tritiya. District magistrates are designated as child marriage prohibition officers to enforce the law and safeguard children’s rights.

The PCMA serves as a robust legal framework to combat child marriage in India, providing stringent penalties for offenders. However, effective enforcement of the law requires collaboration between various government agencies and law enforcement authorities. Additionally, raising awareness about the legal consequences of child marriage is essential to deter individuals from engaging in such practices.

Challenges and Call for Action

While progress is underway, challenges remain, with some states yet to provide necessary data and compliance. Swift action is imperative to ensure effective implementation of preventive measures and protection of vulnerable children.

Furthermore, societal norms and cultural practices often perpetuate the cycle of child marriage, making it challenging to eradicate. Addressing deep-rooted beliefs and attitudes requires long-term efforts through education, advocacy, and community mobilization. By engaging with local communities and challenging harmful traditions, progress can be made towards eliminating child marriage.

The Adverse Effects of Child Marriage

Child marriage poses grave consequences for the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children, particularly girls. It deprives them of their fundamental rights to education, health, and a fulfilling childhood. Early marriage often leads to early pregnancy, perpetuating cycles of poverty and gender inequality.

Health Risks

Early pregnancy resulting from child marriage increases the risk of maternal and infant mortality. Young brides are more likely to experience complications during childbirth, such as obstructed labor and eclampsia. Moreover, lack of access to reproductive healthcare services exacerbates these risks, leading to adverse outcomes for both mother and child.

Education Deprivation

Child marriage often forces girls to drop out of school, denying them opportunities for personal and intellectual development. Education is a fundamental human right that empowers individuals and enables them to pursue their aspirations. By marrying early, girls are deprived of the chance to acquire knowledge and skills that are essential for their future success.

Economic Disempowerment

Married girls are often economically dependent on their spouses, limiting their ability to pursue gainful employment or financial independence. Lack of education and skills further exacerbate their economic vulnerability, trapping them in cycles of poverty and dependence.

Psychological Impact

Child marriage subjects girls to psychological trauma and emotional distress, as they are thrust into adult roles without adequate preparation. Forced into marital relationships at a young age, they are often unable to make informed decisions or assert their rights. The pressure to fulfill societal expectations and marital duties can have detrimental effects on their mental health and well-being.

Legal Proceedings and Enforcement

The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act provides a robust legal framework to combat child marriage in India. District magistrates and law enforcement agencies play a pivotal role in enforcing the law and prosecuting offenders. Additionally, awareness campaigns and community engagement are vital to changing societal attitudes and norms surrounding child marriage.

Reporting and Intervention

Individuals who witness or suspect instances of child marriage have a moral and legal obligation to report it to the authorities. Timely intervention can prevent irreversible harm and protect the rights of vulnerable children. The NCPCR has established a dedicated weblink to facilitate the reporting of child marriages and provide assistance to those in need under a special Program called Ebaalnidan

Apart from this NCPCR has also launched guidelines in this regards check this here

Legal Assistance and Support Services

Victims of child marriage require access to legal assistance and support services to seek justice and rebuild their lives. NGOs and civil society organizations play a crucial role in providing legal aid, counseling, and rehabilitation to survivors of child marriage. By empowering survivors to assert their rights and seek redress, we can hold perpetrators accountable and prevent future incidents of child marriage.

Eliminating Child Marriage: A Collective Responsibility

Preventing child marriage requires a multi-faceted approach involving government agencies, civil society organizations, religious leaders, and communities. Empowering girls through education, economic opportunities, and access to healthcare is crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty and early marriage. Strict enforcement of laws, coupled with proactive interventions and community mobilization, can help eliminate this harmful practice and ensure every child’s right to a safe and fulfilling future.

By fostering collaboration and raising awareness, we can create a society where every child is protected from the devastating impact of child marriage and given the opportunity to thrive. It is incumbent upon each one of us to take a stand against child marriage and work towards building a more just and equitable society for future generations.

Prevention Measures in Matrimonial Script to fight this social evil

In alignment with the imperative to combat child marriage, Readymatrimony has taken proactive steps to integrate features within its Matrimonial script aimed at preventing underage marriages. Firstly, the platform ensures that individuals below the legal age of marriage are not registered as members, thereby mitigating the risk of facilitating illegal unions. Secondly, through rigorous Know Your Customer (KYC) verification processes, the platform diligently verifies the authenticity of member profiles, particularly scrutinizing age representations to prevent any misrepresentation that could potentially enable child marriage. By prioritizing the safeguarding of children’s rights and adhering to legal and ethical standards, Readymatrimony exemplifies its commitment to combating the scourge of child marriage within the realm of matrimonial services.
